Tucker... |
Tucker is a cream lynx point boy born on 7/30/21.
Tucker requires a little more discussion than either Raphy or Cole. First of all, he like a 2 yr old kid. He's curious about everything. And I DO MEAN EVERYTHING. He's a busy boy. He gets bored easily, and when he's bored, he gets into things. If there's nothing of interest around, he'll go investigate the trash can. Or, he'll just walk around yipping. Tucker is usually the one that starts the games. We get a kick out of watching Tucker racing from room to room, leaping over the furniture, or whatever, playing chase with one of the other cats. Usually, it's Tucker and Cole, but he'll play with any of the other cats that will play with him.
But here's the hiccup with Tucker. Tuck Tuck (that's what I call him is SUPER sensitive.... and I do mean SUPER SENSITIVE! He also has weepy eyes, which gets worse when he gets stressed. It's not contagious to the other cats. In fact, one of the other cats (Dayton) will hold him down every now and then and clean his face for him. Tucker had a bad experience when he was just a kitten when we tried to place him with a family who was looking for a playmate for their cat. Well, the resident cat didn't think they needed another cat in the house and let him know it in no uncertain terms. We're usually really good at matching a cat's personality with his/her new home... This was just a bad call on our part. We had no idea that the resident cat would be that dominate. It took a long time for Tucker to decide we could be friends again when he came back to our house 2 wks. later. Ideally, if Tucker was to go to a new home, it would be nice if Cole could go with him as his companion to make the transition easier for him. He and Cole are best buds. After his experience when he was a kitten, we've sort of resigned ourselves to thinking that Tucker just might be a long term resident at our house, which by the way, is perfectly ok with us.
But here's the hiccup with Tucker. Tuck Tuck (that's what I call him is SUPER sensitive.... and I do mean SUPER SENSITIVE! He also has weepy eyes, which gets worse when he gets stressed. It's not contagious to the other cats. In fact, one of the other cats (Dayton) will hold him down every now and then and clean his face for him. Tucker had a bad experience when he was just a kitten when we tried to place him with a family who was looking for a playmate for their cat. Well, the resident cat didn't think they needed another cat in the house and let him know it in no uncertain terms. We're usually really good at matching a cat's personality with his/her new home... This was just a bad call on our part. We had no idea that the resident cat would be that dominate. It took a long time for Tucker to decide we could be friends again when he came back to our house 2 wks. later. Ideally, if Tucker was to go to a new home, it would be nice if Cole could go with him as his companion to make the transition easier for him. He and Cole are best buds. After his experience when he was a kitten, we've sort of resigned ourselves to thinking that Tucker just might be a long term resident at our house, which by the way, is perfectly ok with us.
So here's the fun stuff about Tucker. He's a talker... really! He talks all the time. He doesn't meow or screech like some cats. He yips. He'll come in the room, and just to say hi, he'll let out a couple little yip-yips. Or if hears me wrestle around in the middle of the night, he'll come in, jump on the bed and start walking all over the top of me and talking to me. And he won't shut up until I turn over and scratch all over his neck and body. When I've had all I can take and need to turn over and go back to sleep, I'll start rubbing his face... he puts up with it, but he really doesn't like his face rubbed. This is obviously something I need to get on a video for you... I'll work on that.
I've earned Tucker's confidence since we brought him home enough that if he's in a room with me, I can call him and he'll come over to me. He won't always jump up to see me, but he will come over to see what I want. Tucke is typically not a snuggler (except in the middle of the night when I'm trying to sleep). He'll come say hi, let me pet him a little, and then, he's off. He's just got better things to do.
If you think you are interested in Tucker, we need to talk on the phone. There's no way I will ever let him go to another home where he might get stressed again. He's way too much fun. He entertains us all the time with all his antics. Oh, and Tucker loves to set on one of the condos in the living room and watch the birds. Sometimes, he gets so excited, he'll start yipping at them too.