RW TCG Grand Champion (TCG*) Curl Essence Savannah
2023 Best Black Silver Marbled Torbie American Curl Longhair of the Year, 2023 3rd Best American Curl Longhair of the Year, Regional Winner (RW) for 2022 Best American Curl Longhair of the Year, Regional Winner (RW) 2022 12th Best Longhair Cat of the Year, and Regional Winner (RW) 2022 Best Black Silver Marbled Torbie American Curl of the Year *TCG is Triple Grand Champion Savannah is one of our smaller girls, and soo, soo affectionate! When she is with her babies, she watches over them like a hawk. But when she's out around the house and we're walking around from one room to another, she will race ahead of us to jump onto the next condo or piece of furniture to be ready for us to pet her. Then, she'll roll over on her side in anticipation of a pet or compliment. She's just that super loving girl... all the time.
We have a number of girls so we can let the moms have long rests before we let them breed again. It's the best way to make sure their bodies are fully recovered and they are strong and healthy, for themselves and for their babies. Plus, we enjoy having hang with US.
Curl Essence Colette de la Curl, or just "Colette"
RW Curl Essence Colette de Curl
TICA 2017 Best American Curl Longhair Kitten of the Year TICA 2017 20th Best Kitten of the Year Best Kitten in our region and 4th Best American Curl internationally. Colette has always, ALWAYS had gorgeous babies. She is a red silver tabby.... emphasis on "silver". She is a very light red because the silver undercoat is so dominate. She loves to be petted, but mostly on her terms. You may have see the saying about cats that says "I don't want to, I don't have to, and I'm not going to". That's Colette. When she wants our attention, she lets us know. And expects us to pay attention. But when she wants to be alone, she'll find a quiet out-of-the-way place to snuggle up into. On the other hand, her babies have always been super sweet and friendly. Colette has near perfect ears, eyes, etc for the Standards for both CFA and TICA and she's always given us great kittens.
Curl Essence Silver Belle, or "Bell-e-Bell"
Silver Belle is a really pretty silver girl with great ears. But even more than that, she always passes those tall great ears on to her babies. We've wanted to breed her one more time before re retire her. Silver Belle is Savannah's mom. We thought that would be her last litter, but she's surprised us again. Because she's never mated with Glory, this litter is going to be a total surprise for colors. Silver Belle's lines go back to our original foundation cats from Procurlharem.
Curl Essence Michele la Curl... "Shelly"
Shelly is incredibly pretty. We didn't show her but only because she has such a quiet spirit, that she couldn't handle all the noise and the strangers. Shelly is a chocolate lynx point. Shelly has only had 2 litters... one in 2022 and one in 2023. We will breed her again (probably) toward the end of the year for holiday kittens. He babies are always beautiful, but then, we're sort of partial to the color points with lighter markings.
Shelly has that protective instinct that a lot of females have. Because the females have been tasked by nature to take care of the babies, girls can be more cautious than the boys. Boys, on the other hand, are more la-la-la, whatever comes what may. |
CG Curl Essence Brittany American Curl
Brittany is a silver patched tabby and white girl. "Silver patch tabby and white" is the technical color description used in both CFA and TICA to describe a calico. Brittany is also one of our smaller girls.
Brittany has everything both CFA and TICA judges look for in an American Curl, but when she broke her back leg leaping from a tall bookshelf, her back leg didn't heal completely straight. All show cats are evaluated on how perfectly straight their back legs are. The leg healed just fine. It's not a problem and not anything that anyone except a judge evaluating the cat on a table under a bright light would even notice... but some judges did notice it. Several judges overlooked the slight bend because her other features are so outstanding. t got her a Champion title in her first show, but decided that trying to show her for any larger titles would be unprofessional on our part. We've built a reputation in both CFA and TICA of producing and showing only top show cats. We weren't going to jeopardize that reputation just to get bigger titles for Brittany. So, Brittany gets to stay home, hang with her people and be a mom.
Besides the look and the ears, one of the characteristics our American Curl cats are known for is their personalities. When you read our testimonials, you'll notice a consistent pattern in what our family of Curl owners have to say about our cats, and that's their friendly, fun personalities. Different breeds are described not just by their looks, but their personalities. Over the past 20+ years of breeding the American Curl cat, we have noticed specific personality characteristics that follow our different bloodlines. Brittany's babies are all super friendly and active. They may not think they can leap from tall buildings like their mom, but they are super, SUPER loving and playful.