If you are interested in reserving a kitten from a future litter, please email me for a "Reserve Kitten Sales Agreement"....
at [email protected] for details.
at [email protected] for details.
Charlotte and Handy babiesCharlotte is a silver girl. She has beautiful big eyes and a pretty face. Charlotte loves raising a family and always passes on her sweet, loving personality to all her babies.
Charlotte had 4 beautiful babies on 8/11. They are 2 seal lynx point boys, 1 cream point boy and 1 silver boy.
Grand Champion Curl Essence The Lord's Right Hand ("Handy") is a seal lynx point boy. Handy was always so much fun to show. He LOVED the attention of the spectators and the judges. He was so pretty that people would stop and talk to him when he would lay out on our grooming stand. He loved the extra attention and would sort of "show off" for them so they wouldn't stop complimenting him on how pretty he was.
Parker, a carbon copy of dad.
01/02... I took these photos this morning of Parker. He was just too pretty to pass up. Parker is entered in the Del Mar Cat Show at the end of January. He is still available for sale. Both Parker and Hunter are knock-offs of dad, but with less coat, I hope you enjoy these new pics as much as I did.
12/22... We took new pictures of the kittens yesterday to share with you. We brought one of our favorite cat toys upstairs so you could get a sense of their personalities. Parker and Hunter are both beautiful. They are nearly twins. The only way we can tell them apart is to look at the ears. Their personalities are a match too. They will take their afternoon naps and then one by one, they will wander downstairs to visit with us and then go look for another cat to play chase with. We have condos (several) in every room in the house.
We brought one of our favorite cat toys upstairs for a couple of short videos of both Parker and Hunter and of the smaller kittens. First is Parker and Hunter. This toy is much more fun downstairs on the hard floor, but we had to take these videos upstairs where we could close the bedroom doors to keep the big cats from dominating the toy. I put this in the closet from time to time so it stays "fresh" and interesting to the cats. I got this from Amazon. One word of warning... buy extra batteries. It takes c cells. The cats will play until they wear out the batteries. We're on our 3rd set since I pulled it out of the closet.
11/4.. This is the best I could get of Parker this morning. He and Hunter are both absolutely beautiful... but then, we're a little prejudice for these pretty seal points.
Usually, Hunter and Parker are the initiators of the games. They are both gorgeous. We love that light coat with just the light hint of color. Parker is a super lover. When we start petting him, he just rolls over on his side or grabs our hand between both paws to say 'don't stop'. Parker is going to make a great addition to any family. We've been letting Prince hang out in the room with the kittens most of the time. Prince is just under a year old and all kitten. He gets a little rough with these guys, but they are always ready to accept the challenge.
10/22 update. The still photos below were all taken on 10/2.. the same as the photo above with Parker's name. I wanted to take new still pics of Charlotte's babies this morning but they were just to busy. All the pictures had so much motion blur that I couldn't use them. Besides, these babies don't look enough different to bother with new still shots. So I turned to videos. Besides, the videos give you a better idea of their personalities. I took a number of videos. I'm not going to duplicate them on the individual pages, so I suggest you just look at each of the kitten's individual pages for the other videos.
10/2... So after a couple of weeks, the tails are closer to the same color. Plus all the body markings and colors are almost exactly the same. The one thing I can see now is the curl of the ears. Parker has a more rounded, open curl. Hunter's ears are tighter. These photos are of Parker taken this morning.
Below is one of our first group photos of Charlotte's litter. Parker and Hunter are on the outside on right and left.
The picture below was taken at the same time. You see our similar Parker and Hunter were even then.
Reserving a kitten from a future litter...
We are taking reservations for future kittens now. We reserve the right for first pick of any of our litters for ourselves to show, however, if you reserve a kitten from a future litter, you will have first pick (after us of course). Anyone with a Reserve Agreement can wait for future litter if they want to wait for a kitten from another litter .