Brittany and Handy family...Click any photo to enlarge it.
Brittany introduced us to her new family right on schedule on 9/10. She has 1 bright calico girl, 2 silver patched girls, 1 red silver boy and 1 color point boy.
Brittany is a bicolor... frequently called a "calico" although that's not an accepted color designation in either CFA or TICA. She is one of our smaller girls and has always, ALWAYS giving us incredible babies in colors and personality. Brittany absolutely ADORES me and she always teaches that same affection for us to her kids. Babies learn a lot from their moms from the day they are born. Babies will model what they see in their moms. Brittany has always taught her babies to welcome our attention from the first times we start to handle them.
"Handy" is a seal lynx point boy. He is a Grand Champion in CFA. We had so much fun showing him. He was absolutely beautiful and he knew it. The judges loved him, but even more than that, people would stop and ooh and ahhh over him whenever we would have his laying on our grooming stand in from of our benching cage. He would just sit there and pose for them as if to say, "Yes, I'm so pretty. Feel free to admire me." Handy has always had a great personality and he always passes that same sweet temperament on to his kids.
1012... Brittany's babies are getting bigger with each passing day. We bring them out into the bedroom a couple times each day to handle them and just let them walk around, although for there size, the 8ft exercise cage in the nursery gives them lots of exercise area. We have slots of custom made things in there for them to crawl om to stretch and strengthen their legs and little bodies. We tried to take a couple pictures this morning to show you their colors. They weren't terribly cooperative, and the lighting wasn't great. Normally, we take the kittens into the bathroom for better lighting, but I still can't get around much after my ankle surgery. I'll replace these with better pics next week.
\iFirst is "Calli" (for calico). She's technically a bicolor, but who cares. Right? Her colors are so dark and pretty. Calli is SOLD
Next, is Sasha. We originally thought she would be a brown patched, but now that her coat is coming in more, we're calling her a silver tabby... maybe silver and white but we'll have to see more color development to make that call. The color on her face could develop into a cream. She's got a beautiful butterfly on her back.
Below are pictures of Trevor. Trev is a silver and white bicolor. He's always been really mellow when Mike would pick him up and carry him around. The other kittens will whin and cry sometimes unless they have all 4 feet planted on Mike's T shirt until they have their feet on the bed, but not Trevor. He might just end up being that really sweet, easy going guy.
Arlow (red & white boy is sold. I'm making a separate page for his pics. The 4th Brittany kitten available is Tess. Tess is a silver patched tabby and white. I though I got cute face shots but they were all blurry, This pic shows some of her colors. I'll take some new pics of her either later today or tomorrow morning to show you her pretty little face.
9/19... We took these quick pics of Brittany's babies several days ago. Their eyes weren't open then. We were just documenting for ourselves their colors and sexes. Their eyes opened a couple days ago but we haven't taken new pictures with the eyes open yet. We'll get some new face shots of them for you to look at this weekend, Since I had these photos on my phone, I decided to post them to show you the colors.
These are the 2 silver patched girls. I'm going to call them Tessa and Sasha. (BTW, my website names are always subject to change by their new owners.)
These 2 pictures of the calico girl. (Calicos are technically silver patch and white bicolors, but most people just call them calico.)
The 2 pictures below are of the red silver boy. I'm calling him Sonny for now, but that could change. Sometimes, I name a kitten and then when we play with the kitten for awhile, another name will seem to fit better. He's going to have a lot of silver undercoat and a pretty white on his face. Our red boys always end up having really special personalities
These 2 pictures are of the color point boy. You can't see the colors on the points yet, but odds are they will look just like dad. Handy seems to duplicate himself in at least one kitten in every litter he sires.
We'll get better pictures of all of these babies over the weekend. I didn't originally take these to post here, but since I had them on my phone, I thought I would share them. If you're interested in more information on any of our kittens, please email me at [email protected].