Brittany & Handy American Curl Kitten
Brittany is a bicolor... frequently called a "calico" although that's not an accepted color designation in either CFA or TICA. She is one of our smaller girls and has always, ALWAYS giving us incredible babies in colors and personality. Brittany absolutely ADORES me and she always teaches that same affection for us to her kids. Babies learn a lot from their moms from the day they are born. Babies will model what they see in their moms. Brittany has always taught her babies to welcome our attention from the first times we start to handle them.
"Handy" is a seal lynx point boy. He is a Grand Champion in CFA. We had so much fun showing him. He was absolutely beautiful and he knew it. The judges loved him, but even more than that, people would stop and ooh and ahhh over him whenever we would have his laying on our grooming stand in from of our benching cage. He would just sit there and pose for them as if to say, "Yes, I'm so pretty. Feel free to admire me." Handy has always had a great personality and he always passes that same sweet temperament on to his kids.
5/6... Here's the video I took this morning. I have Casper in a couple of the still shots too. I'm going to be uploading them shortly. I think I got Casper in another group video too. I'll let you know which pages they are on in an email.
4/25... We're starting to see the different personalities of these kittens develop when then all out in the bedroom together. Of the group, Casper is the cuddler. Even when he was smaller, he would just melt in my hands anytime I would pet him. He just arches he head and neck when I rub is back. When we get the kittens playing, when Casper gets his juices going, he likes to crawl through the pillows on the bed. Then, he'll snuggle between a couple of them and crash. Casper likes to play with the other kittens, but he's perfectly happy to entertain himself as well. Of this group of kittens, I would have to say he's the "softer, quieter" spirit of them all.
Pictures will enlarge if you click on them.
4/12... These are the new photos of Casper. Photos will enlarge if you click on them on a tablet or desktop.