Arlow ...Brittany and Handy red silver boy
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Brittany is a bicolor... frequently called a "calico" although that's not an accepted color designation in either CFA or TICA. She is one of our smaller girls and has always, ALWAYS giving us incredible babies in colors and personality. Brittany absolutely ADORES me and she always teaches that same affection for us to her kids. Babies learn a lot from their moms from the day they are born. Babies will model what they see in their moms. Brittany has always taught her babies to welcome our attention from the first times we start to handle them.
"Handy" is a seal lynx point boy. He is a Grand Champion in CFA. We had so much fun showing him. He was absolutely beautiful and he knew it. The judges loved him, but even more than that, people would stop and ooh and ahhh over him whenever we would have his laying on our grooming stand in from of our benching cage. He would just sit there and pose for them as if to say, "Yes, I'm so pretty. Feel free to admire me." Handy has always had a great personality and he always passes that same sweet temperament on to his kids.
10/24... The slideshow below is the pics we took yesterday. There were so many great shots, but I tried to pick my favorites for you. We brought Arlow out with Sasha. I'm adding a 2nd slideshow on Sasha's page with the pictures of Sasha and Arlow so go over to Sasha's page for more photos of Arlow.
10/12... These are the pictures I took of Arlow this morning.
I tried to shoot his face to show all the white on his face and chest. He's really a bicolor... see the white on his legs and paws.
Below are 2 baby pictures of Arlow. He's going to have a lot of silver undercoat and a pretty white on his face. Our red boys always end up having really special personalities